
posted in: Bible, Books | 5

I have a love-hate relationship with certain books.

The one relationship I have now is with Dave Harvey’s Rescuing Ambition.  It is a very heart-check book but one that is difficult to handle when he writes things that the Spirit is convicting you of and wanting to eradicate in your life.

“We love glory.  We were created to look for is and to love it when we find it.  We’re pursuers – we go after things we value.  What is it for you?” (Pg 21, 19)

If I say I’m a believer, and live my life for the glory of God…then why do I write?  Do I honestly want to write this blog, write books, teach Bible studies for my glory or for the glory of God?

That is what I’ve been wrestling with this month.  I want readership.  I want to write a book and not have it just sit on a shelf and be a coaster on someone’s coffee table.  I want it to change someone’s life.  Why?  So that God can get more glory than me – that His name can be made much of – or if I was honest would I say that I want people to know my name and my blog and think what I do is great and meaningful?

I do love to write.  This has been a hard month, but one of more time to just be (or play Candy Crush) or to play with our son.  My Sweet Mister doesn’t want me to give up writing.  He encourages my writing.  That is encouraging to me. I want to do what I do with a right heart toward the God who gave me the gift of writing and speaking in the first place.  Not for notoriety or fame or publication or for thousands of hits.  I need to keep this on the forefront of my mind daily as I start back to writing again.

So, for the three of you that read this blog, thank you.  Thank you for letting me be a part of your life.  Be glory-seekers, too!

5 Responses

  1. Sarah

    Candy Crush got you too, huh? 🙂 Glad you are back. I have taken a long hiatus from writing and I’m not sure if I’m meant to start again or not and in what form. But thanks for sharing your perspective.

  2. Becky Arnold

    Yes, the three of us can read each other’s blogs, pray for each other, and hold each other accountable to that question: Are you seeking to honor God above all? Love ya, friend. I’m so glad you are writing again. May God glorify Himself through this blog and your life.

  3. Shyre McCune

    As I follow twitter, there are some big time tweeters that I have quit following because it comes across to me as ‘self glory seeking’. It seems to me in the times we live in, it is much easier to fall into this trap(with twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc). I would think it would be hard as an author/speaker to keep ALL the glory focused on God. Yet, there are authors and speakers who, from the outside looking in, seem to be able to do this. Billy Graham seems to me to be the one who has managed this the best. He always comes across as being humble and a servant of his God, trying to do his best to be obedient and glorify Him. May God bless you as you seek to glorify Him in all you do.

  4. Rayann

    Keep on learning. My Grandpa use to say the only ones who should stop learning new things or things from God are dead people. I tried remind myself that every day I should learn something and struggle with issues.

  5. Bekah M.

    Looks like there are more than three of us! I need to print this off and hang it on my bathroom mirror so I can remind myself each morning to check my intentions in my writing, and in the use of all of the gifts and opportunities God places before me. Thank you for sharing!