I am NOT a hoarder!

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I never want to be on that show.

Many of you know my love of all things ELR and Jess LC (MakeUnder My Life) – two fantastic blogs I read and love on a daily basis.  Jessica did a recent post (which she has done before) on getting rid of 50 things that you don’t need.  Cleaning out.  Living intentionally.  So…here are my 51 (I am an overachiever) things that I am taking to Goodwill today.

The only thing I am replacing it with is a lamp for beside my bed so I can read at night without getting up out of my warm coziness!

What do you have in your house that you don’t need or use anymore and how can you live your life with intentionality – even in your possessions?

For where your treasure is – there your heart will be also! – Jesus

One Sydney Road

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You don’t have to live in Australia to shop in Australia (or just Ohio). One Sydney Road is now open for business. I’ve been following this girl’s story on Makeunder My Life and love seeing people follow a dream.
This is a great location for gifts, home interior, and anything else to make you feel pretty – or your home to look pretty and stylish.