31Days: New Home (Day 24)

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In early October we moved from a 1700+ square foot townhome into a 900ish sq ft apartment.  Needless to say, 2/3 of our beloingings are at someone else’s home being stored for the time being.
I saw this sentence “we’ve been duped into believing that perfection is the ultimate goal of our homes” on the Nester’s blog from a few weeks ago.  It kinda hit me about our new temporary home.
E’s need for cleanliness and orderliness has rubbed off on me.  Growing up, our home was only clean and decluttered 5 minutes after the cleaning ladies left or 5 minutes before company came.  I didn’t mind living like that.  But now I do.
And, no, with a newborn, our home is not spotless and tidy.  But, I do try to do the laundry and the dishes every day.  I try to make the bed every morning, partly because I know it will bless my husband.
But, other than that – that’s about all I have time or energy for.  We can strive, for being good stewards of what we’ve been given – not for perfection.

31 Days: Everything’s New Day 1

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Today starts a new month, the best month of all, and a writing challenge that Nester is hosting.  It is a challenge to write every day on a certain topic for an entire month.  It is really a great challenge in discipline that I am hoping will spread to other areas of my life.

The topic for me is Everything’s New.  Because in my life right now everything is new.  New baby, in the next week we will be moving to a new state, starting new friendships, starting new ministries, living in a new apartment for a while (till we sell our home in Durham), starting a new year of marriage, etc.  So many things are changing.

My posts will document some of our changes – some will be lighthearted, some will be pictures, some will be serious.  Check back everyday for how life changes – but how God is faithful in all of them!