This will go down as one of the best Valentine’s Day EVER! God is so gracious to me and shows me HIS love in so many ways!
Actually, one of the best VDAY wknds EVER!
Friday: single red rose from my secret sister at work. Made my day and it smelled as only a rose can smell.
Saturday: bought some great new shoes, read about gospel-centered parenting, babysat for amazing kiddos and got some beautiful tulips and wonderful conversation with their parents after they returned from their date. Tulips are absolutively my favorite flower – to matter the color. This has to mean that Spring is on the way.
Sunday: got to hear 4 and 5 year old boys being taught about serving their sisters in Christ in Sunday School (by serving them their goldfish during snack time). Hung out with new friends from Louisianna for dinner and Sojourn 7pm. Pastor Daniel challenged us to give our BEST PRAISE to the amazing God! More on that coming on Wednesday in honor of Ash Wednesday.
And there is now a possibility of no school/work tomorrow because of 5-9 inches of snow coming over night. I love waking up to a white world. (But, I desparately want Spring to come quickly!)
I hope you had an amazing wknd too. God is love. May the Love of Christ compel us. And, as a 6 year old boy quoted this morning, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”