Food is such a part of my story, that I love sharing it with others.
I remember the meal my husband cooked for me during my “year of vegetarian” when we met, dated, got engaged, and got married – he cooked the meal before he asked me to marry him.
There are food stories I have that bring a smile to my face and ones that bring me to tears – either because they bring sadness or deep hurt.
Weight has always been a part of my story as I have been heavy most of my life. I wasn’t even the skinny ballerina during my one year of ballet in Kindergarten, and I probably had a plus size tutu for clogging in 4th grade. I loved clogging. And I still remember some of the steps. And it still is a part of my story. I remember specific life events and the weight I was when those events happened. I’ve lost weight and gained weight so many times I’ve lost count.
But today, I got to share my love of food with new friends. Being in the creative industry gives us a common ground, being mamas is another line of commonality, but today, we also got to enjoy loving food together. And I enjoyed putting it all together.
One of my favorite things to do is be in the kitchen together with friends. So, today, I still had to put this quiche together (go run by leeks and make this tonight for dinner). And my friend jumped right in and helped. We talked, photographed food, and made food together. Food is one of the only things in life that every human has in common. We all have food.
So, food is a wonderful joiner. Hopefully. Today, we joined over conversation about our motherhood journeys, food, creative business, weddings, travel, and community.
Having some friends over for brunch should not be hard. And we through in a toddler too! I just picked a few things to make – a quiche, fruit and cheese tray, and cookies. I made the cookies yesterday. The board is super easy with just some fresh fruit, cheese, and little danishes from the Publix bakery.

The quiche was made during the preparation this morning and my friend helped. Don’t be afraid of help. Allow friends (and family, including littles) to join you in the kitchen. And y’all, even though I know how to make a crust, I always use Pillsbury rolled doughs. So easy and yummy.

And the cookies, I just made them yesterday as I was home and the recipe said they would be better the next day. Reading recipes is super important. And I didn’t have dirty dishes from baking this morning.

And here’s a little hint: my floor hadn’t been swept, but for the most part my home was picked up. Two things: having people over regularly keeps your home clean. And if you pick up a little every day and have a husband and kids that help – it makes cleaning easier. And you know what, your friends shouldn’t care if your home is super clean or not. But, I think it is good stewardship of your home to keep it tidy.
The Fall – perfect time to bring people in, hear their stories, share yours, enjoy good food, and live life with other people. And Hannah Anderson, who launched a new book yesterday, also wrote a piece today in CT about doing community with broken people (hint: we are all broken). Go read it!